Shamanic Coaching & Journeying

  • Journey to meet your Power Animal! This is the animal spirit that is most similar to your natural essence. Connecting with this animal spirit can support you in learning more about yourself, your naturalness, character, and this animal can also be a trusted guide, ally and friend. The drumming resembles the heartbeat of the earth and supports you in getting out of your mind and into the subconscious. This drum journey is an opportunity to have your own relationship and experience with an animal spirit!

  • Drum Journeying for Restoration with self and others. Journey into your subconscious and inner realms with support of an animal guide to restore/bring back/heal an aspect of your Self, bring to light what is in your shadow, restore balance in areas of your life that a charge exists.

  • A technique for going after subconscious beliefs that are not serving you, patterns in your life that appear to be repeating, where you view yourself as a victim, and thoughts that drain or leak your energy. Thoughts create and form your perception of reality... they impact the lens that we view our life and each moment through. Our minds organize life events in a non-linear way, so whether an event happened 15 years ago or yesterday, any event that brought up a charge or emotional response and remains unresolved, stays stored in your subconscious. When events take place that are similar in nature to what is unresolved and invoke the same emotional response or charge, the energy imprint gets stronger. The more emotional the situation, the more energy you have lost/left in the situation, and the more times a similar situation occurs, even more energy is lost. Recapitulation breaks this cycle and is a technique to reclaim the energy lost/left. Emotions are energy in motion. Where you get triggered, have a charge, experience irritation, anger, sadness, frustration, fear, jealousy, feeling shut down, etc. there is the opportunity to free your mind.

    How many memories come to the surface or do you notice a charge arise in your body with the following prompts:

    Remember a moment you felt betrayed.

    Remember a moment you put another's needs before your own.

    Remember a moment you were scared to speak your truth.

    Remember a moment you felt like you didn't belong.

    Remember a moment where you felt ugly.

    Remember a moment you felt like someone wronged you.

    ... what moments still hold a charge in you?

  • Crystals are powerful transmitters of energy and serve specific healing functions when placed on the body in a particular formation. These sessions are beneficial and powerful if you would like to:

    • balance your energy field if you're feeling ungrounded, anxious or depressed

    • send healing energy to a particular area of your body

    • increase your overall level of energy

    • balance your chakras

  • Sever the energetic ties that bind you to other people, situations, or things that are harmful, draining, or no longer serving you. By cutting these cords, you can free yourself from negative emotions, attachments, and patterns.

    As energy beings, we have energetic fibres that travel out and "hook" into people and places. When we are not aware of what our fibres are doing, we can stay connected or attached without realizing it.

Make it stand out.

Journey to meet your Power Animal! This is the animal spirit that is most similar to your natural essence. Connecting with this animal spirit can support you in learning more about yourself, your naturalness, character, and this animal can also be a trusted guide, ally and friend. The drumming resembles the heartbeat of the earth and supports you in getting out of your mind and into the subconscious. This drum journey is an opportunity to have your own relationship and experience with an animal spirit!

Drum Journeying for Restoration with self and others. Journey into your subconscious and inner realms with support of an animal guide to restore/bring back/heal an aspect of your Self, bring to light what is in your shadow, restore balance in areas of your life that a charge exists.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.